Namespace Libplanet.Consensus
A class used to claim that a peer has collected two thirds majority of Votes.
Represents a Proposal from a validator for consensus. It contains an essential information ProposalMetadata to propose a block for a consensus in a height and a round, and its signature to verify. The signature is verified in constructor, so the instance of Proposal should be valid.
Represents a ProposalClaim from a validator for consensus. It contains an essential information ProposalClaimMetadata to claim a Proposal for a consensus in a height, round, BlockHash, and its signature to verify. The signature is verified in constructor, so the instance of ProposalClaim should be valid.
A class for constructing ProposalClaim. This class contains proposal claim information in consensus of a height, round and BlockHash. Use Sign(PrivateKey) to create a ProposalClaim.
A class for constructing Proposal. This class contains proposal information in consensus of a height and a round. Use Sign(PrivateKey) to create a Proposal.
A class used to requests lacking votes by sending Votes that the peer has.